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how to change your android imei to blackberry (with pictures)

changing of imei is really a must for mtk android device users Who really want to enjoy browsing with the G .
Today I want to show you how to change or restore your imei on any mtk device with the “mobileuncle tools”
Just follow the steps below carefully:

=> First download and install Mobileuncle MTK Tools from playstore or here

=>open mobileuncle and grant root permission

=>select Engineer Mode

=>select engineering Mode mtk

=>select connectivity by swiping to the left

=>select CDS information

=>select radio information

=>select either phone1”for sim” or phone 2 “for sim2” (depending on the imei you want to change)

=>in the input space, just type “E” in front of AT+ and select AT+EGMR=1,7,”THE IMEI” (FOR 1ST IMEI) AND AT+EGMR=1,10,"YOUR IMEI2"(FOR 2ND IMEI)

=>Then click on “SEND AT COMMAND”

=>now restart the phone

N.B: make sure the imei is valid.
If you need a valid blackberry imei just drop your request in the comment box

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