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How To Root Any Android Device

Rooting is gradually becoming a must for android users who want to enjoy the full functionality of their device. Before rooting your device I will advise you to check out this post.
Many users are finding it very difficult to root their device and that’s the reason many programmers are working seamlessly to make sure every android users are able to root their device.
Today am gonna be highlighting some few rooting applications which can be used both with your pc and without PC.
   1.     TOWEL ROOT:
    This is a very good application as it can easily root some tedious phones such as the Samsung galaxy s5 among others. You can check the thread on xda here.
   2.      FRAMA ROOT: 

Many mtk device users will be familiar with this application as it has the ability to root most mtk device and also some non-mtk devices in less than a minute.
To use:

  •   Download and install framarooot here.
  •  Open framaroot and select install super user or super su.
  • Then select boromir or barahir.

  • Then a success msg will popup (if you get failed msg then framaroot is not compatible with your device)

  • Now restart your device and enjoy
You can also check the thread on xda here
   3.      KING ROOT:
Most people who are finding it difficult to root their devices such as the new tecno phantom z users among others can make use of these application. Though it may not be as popular as those two mentioned above, but it equally efficient.
download here

1.      KINGO ROOT: 
      Though KIngo root is pretty new, it is gaining popularity very fast among android users because of its ability to root a lot of android devices.  You can check the list of supported devices here. Feel free to give it a shot even if your device is not listed. You can also download it here.
2.      WMSHUA: 
Though his application performs a lot of functions, one of its greatest use is in rooting of mobile devices. You can download it here.

To change the language to English:
·         Open your program files
·         Then open the folder named “完美刷机
·         Edit the folder named language and change it to “language_x” without quote
·         That’s it

3.      VROOT:
This happens to be one of my favorite rooting application as it roots both low end and high end devices with just a single click.
To use this application, 
·         just install  and open
·         wait until the green china language changes to root
·         click on root and wait for the process to compete
·         your device should restart automatically after the process
Download vroot here

  • TO root your device with your pc, the necessary drivers must be installed. You can   Use pdanet or.       check this list for your device driver.
  • I won’t be held responsible for any damage done to your device due to the misuse of any of the above applications. Pls use with care

If none of the above methods works for you just drop your device name in the comment box or you search for your device name on xda

If these has been helpful kindly share

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