Mara Messenger
The rate at which chat apps are been released these days is so alarming and I don’t even know the one to go for again. RecentIy i wrote a review on KoboIMwhich is now available on Blackberry worldand Playstoreand I think I love that chat messenger. But wait, yet another messenger is available calledMara.
Mara Messengeris one of the latest chatting messenger, that offers a lot of features and their main target is the African market. This chatting application seems to have a lot of features as listed below
==>You can send unlimited free SMS to any network in Nigeria and you won’t be charge for it using this
==>You can add more than 200 friends at a go
==>You can share pictures and your locations with friends
==>Funny doodle if you get your peeks angry
==>You can control your privacy settings as like
==>And group chattingis equally not an exemption.
In other words, it is more of free sms chatting app.
Where Can I Download It?
This app is only available for Blackberry users and Android users.
I don’t know why they have to sideline iOS and Window users.
For symbian users, download it HERE
For Android users, Download it HERE
For Blackberryusers, download it HERE
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