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Recently I posted a tutorial on how to change imei with mobile uncle on all rooted devices. But the problem was that many people didn’t want to root their devices due to the risk injvoled.
So today I will be posting a method on how to change imei no without root access. This method works on both rooted and non rooted devices.
==> Your mtk device.
==> mobile uncle. Download here.
==> And your attention.
==> Download and install your mobile uncle.
==> Select engineer Mode.

==> Select Engineer Mode (MTK).

==> swipe your screen to the left.
==> Select CDS information.
==> Select radio information.

==> choose phone 1( for sim1) or phone 2 (for sim 2)
==> Click on the box where “AT+” is written.
==> change it to :
*    AT +EGMR=1,7,”THE_NEW_IMEI”    (That’s for sim1)
*    AT +EGMR=1,10,”THE_NEW_IMEI”   (That’s for sim2)
NOTE: there must be a space between AT AND +

==> Now select SEND AT COMMAND.
==> you should get the “command is msent” msg.
==> Just enable and disable flight mode (you don’t have to restart your device”
CONGRATULATIONS!! You have just successfully changed your imei.

If you encountered any problem while following the procedure above , just drop your question in the comment box and I will be glad to help

If this has been helpful, kindly to share

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1 comment:

  1. Just successfully changed mine (tecno h6), thanks alot...


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